About the AEMOB Forum Committee

E-Mobility in the wider context of global sustainability and energy diversification efforts has been at the forefront of international governments’ and industry considerations for a number of years. Autonomous, or driverless, e-Mobility can be outlined as the next level of technological innovation in the sustainable mobility space. While imperative for a sustainable future, both dimensions, electricity-powered vehicles and driverless mobility, remain in a research and development phase, technologically, as well as from a policy perspective.

The Autonomous e-Mobility Forum is set to become the pioneering exchange platform focusing on driverless e-Mobility, a topic of global significance and urgency.

The multilateral event is designed to bring together an international network of senior officials, policy and technology experts, including speakers and representatives from government, industry, academia, the media, and hundreds of attendees. It will provide a timely platform for stakeholders to gather and develop know-how and recommendations toward the actual implementation of autonomous e-Mobility in a real-world setting.

AEMOB Forum Committee

Combining decades of international experience and expertise cross-industry, the following thought-leaders and specialists helped shape the forum.

Ministry of Transport

Ministry of Transport

Host & Strategic Partner

Ahmad Al Ansari

Ahmad Al Ansari

Just us & Otto

Managing Partner

Markus Hofmeister

Markus Hofmeister

Just us & Otto

General Manager

Khristo Ayad

Khristo Ayad


Senior Advisor

Dr. Khalid Kamal Naji

Dr. Khalid Kamal Naji

Qatar University

Dean of the College of Engineering

Prof. Frank Himpel

Prof. Frank Himpel


Nonresident Fellow